
Report Detail

Publication Date: June 22, 2023
Purchase Price: $4,750.00
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Coronary Stents

There are nearly 232 million people living with coronary artery disease worldwide. In 2022, global sales of coronary stents were estimated at $4.3bn. Drivers of the global market for coronary stents include the aging of the population and the prevalence of coronary artery disease. Factors that are limiting growth in this market include advances in drug therapies and downward pressures on device pricing. This new report from Meddevicetracker includes a discussion of products, current/forecast markets, competitors, and opportunities in the global market for coronary stents. This market is segmented by product type (including drug eluting, bare metal, and bioresorbable stents). Regions covered by this analysis include the US, five major European markets (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK), Japan, and the Rest of World. The forecast range for this report is 2022–27.

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